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海外購物/International Orders

  • Q1. 海外訂購方法 International Orders?

    步驟一 - 加入會員 

  • Step 1 - Join our member first.

  • 步驟二 - 至官網選購商品

  • Step 2 - https://www.soarin-tw.net/

  • 步驟三 - 商品加入購物車,完成付款  

  • Step 3 - Add your items into the shopping cart, and process your order to complete.

  • 步驟四 - 收到訂購完成通知信 

  • Step 4 - Receive a notification E-mail of order completion.

  • 步驟五 - 國際包裹寄出;出貨狀態請至訂單查詢,點選查詢出貨狀態查詢出貨進度及配送狀態。

  • Step 5 - Dispatch an international parcel. Look up the Shipment status of international parcel:Order Tracking

  • 步驟六 - 收到商品

  • Step 6 - Item received, please contact customer service officers if there's any problem.

  • Q2. 注意事項 Notice

    1. 商品價格請依官網賣場為主。

  • Please refer to the official website for prices.

  • 2. 海外客戶不適用:免運活動、常規滿額送贈品活動。

  • Overseas customers are not applicable for free shipping & send free gifts.

  • 3. 訂單成立後,無法受理訂單修改,有變更需求,請於出貨前將訂單取消後重新訂購。

  • We will not accept any amendment of your order while it’s being paid.If you’d like to amend your order’s items or your shipment method, please cancel your order first, then re-place a new order instead.

  • 4. 付款完成後,將於收到付款資料後7-14工作日出貨,恕不接受退貨。

  • We will arrange your shipment within 7-14 days, once your order is completed and payment is made.

  • 5.若因客戶個人因素造成投遞包裏不成功被退回,我們將會取消此筆訂單並扣除來回運費後,將訂單餘額退還。

  • If an international parcel delivered unsuccessfully and has to be returned back to S'LIGHT., we will definite charge back and forth postages from overseas’ customers,But return back your order’s item amount.

  • 6. 依照台灣營業稅法,SOARIN 將不會開立統一發票。 (營業稅法:直接外銷貨物或勞務予國外買受人得免開立統一發票)

  • Abide by the law of Taiwan’s Business taxes, SOARIN will not issue an Unified Invoice for foreign goods.

  • 7. 國際運費及進口關稅需由買家負擔。

  • Overseas customers have to bear international postage and import taxes.

  • 8. 使用線上刷卡VISA、MASTER CARD,請按此 查詢匯率 。

  • We offer online credit card payment (VISA & MASTER CARD). Check exchange rate.

  • 9. 查詢國際包裹配送時間,請按此 查詢預計到貨時間

  • For information on delivery time for international airmail, please check here.